Accessible Academics offers a variety of services for students who seek educational, career, and independent living support. We are based in Erie and Niagara County for in-person services and deliver services remotely throughout NY state.
Services Fees
Our services are open to anyone. A diagnosis is only required for eligibility for state funding of services through ACCES-VR and OPWDD. Sliding scale and free services are available for those with financial need.
We accept the allowable reimbursement from OPWDD Self-Direction for our Transition Program. We bill directly to the Fiscal Intermediary agency so there is no out-of-pocket expense to participants.
We can assist you with the OPWDD and ACCES-VR application process.
Getting Started
If you are interested in our services, click the button to complete the request form. We will then schedule a call or meeting with you.
High School Services
Transition Plan Review
Review school transition plan
Connect to community resources
Check-ins on next steps
Advocacy during IEP meetings
Service details
Free for high school students with IEPs
Made possible by a grant from The Children's Guild Foundation
Transition Counseling
Post-Secondary Options Counseling: Explore careers, schools, state services, and complete applications.
Job Exploration Counseling: Explore careers, develop job goals, and learn job soft skills.
Instruction in Self-Advocacy: Learn effective communication skills and understand your rights.
Workplace Readiness Training: Learn soft skills, employer expectations, mock interviews, build resumes and cover letters, and complete job applications.
Service details
Enrolled in high school to age 23
Enrolled in college, trade school, or GED program up to age 22
Transition Coaching
Search for schools to apply to
Apply to college or trade school
Complete financial aid application
- Search for scholarships
- Complete admissions steps
- Navigate campus
- Setup accommodations
- Prepare for the first semester
Service details
ACCES-VR eligible
Private pay $60/hour
Adult Services
Transition Program
Education, Career, & Life Skills
Academic coaching for college, trade school, certifications, and GED.
Career counseling
Job skills coaching
Life skills coaching
Case management and Life Plan collaboration
Program details
Post-secondary only
3 hours of coaching per week plus case management
$800/month, up to 24 months
OPWDD Self-Directed reimbursement
Education Services
Apply to college, trade school, and financial aid
Communicate with professors & administrators
Set up and use accommodations
Navigate campus and online systems
Learn academic success skills: time management, organization, study, and test taking skills
Prepare for internships and employment
Develop relationships with peers
Learn self-advocacy, emotional regulation, and problem solving
Work on conversational skills
Service detail
ACCES-VR eligible
Private pay $60/hour
Career Services
Career exploration assessment to learn about careers that align with your interests and values
Self-advocacy skills - learn your rights at work
Communication skills with coworkers and employers
Assist with job orientations, requesting accommodations, and coordinating with HR
Improve emotional regulation and problem solving
Service details
ACCES-VR eligible
Private pay $60/hour
Other Services
Arts & Animation
Animation Lessons: $50/hour
Animation and digital art lessons with Nickelodeon animator Cote Zellers
Complete the steps of creating and launching your creative project
Includes: research, outlining, story-boarding, designing, and animating or drawing using free software
Explore options for publishing your work
Learn topics such as: animation history, careers, entertainment industry, methods, and special effects
FREE Summer Arts Workshop
Graphic novels, illustration, creative writing, or game design
Meeting weekly June-September 2024
More details coming soon! Join our email update list!
Interactive workshops for College Students: $150
Time Management
Stress Reduction
Study Skills
Note-Taking Skills
Self-Advocacy for School & Work
Free presentations for High School Students
Preparation for College or Career
Self-Advocacy Skills
Free presentations for Families & Staff
Helping Families Navigate the Transition Process (for families)
Engaging Students & Families in Transition Planning (for staff)